
Dharma – (In Indian philosophy and religion) that which upholds, supports or maintains the regulatory order of the universe .Therefore referring to Natural Law and the behaviour needed to achieve it.

The Need for Automation[]

In a system where nobody does work that they find undesirable or needlessly dangerous (which is what a VIAAC encourages), the need for automation is tangible. Without people to willingly do these jobs, we are in need of a vast array of technological developments that we can apply, so as to maintain (or more likely improve) our current standard of living. Without enough volunteers to do the work, the only options are reducing your living standards or doing the work with non-volunteers. Forced labor does not belong in a liberatory political theory, so automation is the only alternative. Automated management of the production, logistics, and maintenance activities of a VIAAC will allow people to focus on desirable work by eliminating toil.


While the individual resource network supervisors do not need to be learning engines, for a DARMA to be effective, it must be able to learn by adding logically sorted data to its knowledge-base without the need for direct human programming. This need is due to the high level of efficiency required for a VIAAC to function correctly. If the DARMA encounters a problem, whose optimal solution does not yet exist as an instruction set in the DARMA’s knowledge-base, the down-time every time a new instruction set is added would render the entire VIAAC non-functional. Thus, the ability to structure instruction sets and add them to the knowledgebase itself, allows a DARMA to adapt when problems arise, permitting the continued functioning of the rest of the system. Obviously there is still a way to go before a fully functional DARMA is up and running and ready for use, because the DARMA would require an existing and functional array of basic supervisors as well as the networks of physical technologies they supervise. In other words, we’d need the toilet technology before we can implement a system that manages all toilets. However, much of the groundwork has already been done, requiring only the diligent effort of a dedicated group to gather the required information and develop it further.


The architecture will be described here soon.

This article contains a history of the architecture.
